Tuesday, July 27, 2010

and she will be called…

Elin Faith Sutton.

Elin=”Bright Light”

Faith=”loyalty and belief in”

We wanted another “e” name to join the ranks of our favorite girl :)  Now Evie gets to pass on monogrammed bows, shirts, etc to her little sister!!

Although that is fun stuff, her middle name carries the most significance.  After having Beckett and going through postpartum thyroiditis, I  said many times that I was done having kids, that I couldn’t possibly go through the physical and psychological hell that I endured in my first year after Beckett’s birth.  However, after MUCH prayer and patiently listening on the Lord, Zach and I both felt God wanted to continue to grow our family…biologically or through adoption.

We journeyed by FAITH together, spending much time in the Word and trusting in God’s plan.  So, this sweet baby girl represents God’s faithfulness not only to me, but to our family and is a beautiful picture of God’s sovereignty.

This was not an overnight decision for us, but we have had peace along the way. God continues to affirm his plan and our obedience in many ways. I am currently in a bible study with a few great friends, reading through the book of Ruth. As Naomi told her 2 daughters-in-law to go back to their families, they each chose a different action. Both wept, but Orpah turned back…Ruth committed herself to her mother-in-law and chose to continue on…not knowing what lied ahead…through her tears, her FAITH was proved.

Past faith is not really true faith…it is now just an experience!  We must walk in present FAITH, trusting…really trusting.

So, may this little girl always be a BRIGHT LIGHT for our great GOD, and may she always experience his true FAITHfulness as she follows closely to him! 



The Fuller Ohana said...

I love her name!!

Danielle said...

B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L -- but then, you already knew I felt that way! Love you and your precious little ones! :)

-H+M- said...

I love it :)

Caleb & Emily said...

Gotta love "E" names :) Love the meaning, love you and love her already! Em

Matt and Christen said...

Love what god is doing in your lives. Love the meaning of her name. Thanks for listening to what god is saying to you.

The Burgess' said...

We love her name! It is wonderful to have name FULL of meaning! What a blessing from God she will be!

Thanks for your encouragment on my blog. Jeremy said the before pictures looked altered. It is nice to be open and transparent as you said. It give me accountablitly.