Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Smile for the camera!

We went today for our level 2 ultrasound at Shands...we also found out what our next little one will be. Can't spill the beans quite yet-stay tuned for a reveal next FRIDAY NIGHT!

We got some great shots of this little bebe. Evie and Beckett came with us and they enjoyed getting to see the baby on the screen. Everything looks fine. We got some great news about the reason we ended up there in the first place! Our OB thought there was an extra sac at our 12 week ultrasound, turns out this specialist thinks it was just the inner sac that grows out that was quite large. He said he should have been able to see it still if there was originally a baby in a separate sac. So, we are thankful that there was probably never another baby that was lost.

He also showed us a spot on the baby's heart that is present in 5-10% of healthy babies. It can also indicate a problem like Down's Syndrome. We have a blood test next week that will give us a better indication of the baby...but this is probably nothing to be concerned about.

Evie wore pink rooting for a baby sister and Beckett sported his blue for a boy!

Just before our appointment...outside our new van! :)
Sweet baby Sutton's face and tiny hand!
Another face shot with both hands and one little arm
Can't believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by now. Some weeks drag, but others speed by so quickly that I'm shocked at how many weeks I am when someone asks!!! We are about a week away from the half-way mark---CRAZY!!!!


The Hursts said...

Need a profile shot... saw Laura at the wedding on saturday and she said you were getting big! Can't wait to see for myself! BTW, did you get my text about maternity clothes??

The Ahlgrens said...

Kristy...your family is so beautiful! Just can't wait to see the latest addition! You're looking wonderful!