Monday, February 27, 2012

sign here. and here…and here

Closing day and our first family picture at our new home on 8th Avenue...October 28th 2011!!! 

I loathe paperwork. being in healthcare has certainly ruined me when it comes to that. and while some of the papers are, "sign here, and here, and here and here and here", others ask questions that force you to remember how your family responded to one another in moments of anger when you were 7 years old. thought provoking, probing, and painful. ugh.  can't wait to turn it all in to the case worker-then its HER TURN!  :)

Our home inspection from the county health department was supposed to take place soon, but we were told last Tuesday at our 1st home visit that it would most likely take about 30 days for them to get out here as they are not usually in an type of hurry.  So much to my surprise, I got a call on Thursday afternoon from the inspector saying he could come IN THE MORNING!! 

I quickly did an assessment of things we needed (fire extinguisher, fridge thermometer, etc).  Zach had a game, so I was on  my own...and fighting a horrible cold or allergy attack-either way-I felt awful!

our AMAZING friends, Scott and Haley, stepped in and took the big kiddos for a couple of hours and then had dinner waiting for me and the kids!  blessed beyond measure.

God continues to affirm our decision to use Florida Baptist Children’s Homes as our foster care agency!!!  Our case manager spent 3 years in Peru serving in missions and we are finding it so easy to communicate and connect with her.

This week we are wrapping up our family profile (paperwork!) and getting Maggie seen by a vet and vaccinations updated (even the poor dog isn’t immune from jumping through hoops!).

I started reading Kisses from Katie, a book loaned by a friend…I won’t get into much, but I would encourage you to pick it up. I can’t put it down! 

ending this post with a quote from her book:

“I am much more terrified of living a comfortable life in a self-serving society and failing to follow Jesus that I am of any illness or tragedy…Jesus called His followers to be a log things, but I have yet to find where he warned us to be safe. We are not called to be safe, we are simply promised that when we are in danger, God is right there with us.”


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